Shree Daksha Academy is an initiative to enhance the technical skill of the students in order to create greater opportunities for them in the industry. Technological advancements have changed and continue to change, the way we live, the way we work, the way we communicate and everything that we do in day to day life. This simply means that our technical skills needs constant upgradation.
The globalized world today is highly competitive, working on the 'Perform or Perish' policy in which only the best would sustain themselves. It is envisaged that technically qualified graduates with a sound knowledge of their core disciplines and expertise in a specific skills with continuous up gradations will have more prospects in building their careers. To meet this situation, the college has launched The Shree Daksha Academy (SDASEC) to provide a platform to the students to pursue skill-oriented certificate programs parallelly with their UG or PGprograms.
Under SDASEC wide range of skill enhancement activities are offered like Hands-on Workshops, Lecture workshop series, MOOCs, Long-term and short-term projects. Additionally, skill competition, Skillathon, an annual event is also organized to stimulate students to learn new skill sets, ensure that the students stay up to date with current skill trends, as well as encourage them to explore new avenues, which will give them an edge over their counterparts in choosing their career options.
We urge the student community to make full use of the programs offered under SDASEC and up-skill themselves in their chosen areas in order to stand out.
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